travel guide
Maps of Island of Giglio

Maps of Giglio Island​

Illustrated travel and Trekking map of the island of Giglio, Tuscany

The island of Giglio is the second largest island in the Tuscan archipelago after Elba and spreads over an area of about 21 sq km, for a length of 8.3 km and a width of 4.7 km. Its ridge reaches its maximum point in Poggio della Pagana at 498 meters above sea level.


There are about 22 kilometers of roads connecting the three villages of Giglio Porto, Giglio Castello and Giglio Campese, and the southern tip of the island. They are almost totally surrounded by natural spaces, pine forests and vineyards, glimpses overlooking the sea and offer an amazing panoramic view of the sea and the Tuscan Archipelago along the entire route.

A still uncontaminated and wild territory invites you to venture along the many trekking paths and discover an island far from the tourist flows immersed in the scents of the Mediterranean maquis.

Giglio’s coastline is 28 km long and sandy beaches alternate with small coves and impressive cliffs where cristal clear waters invite for a swim. As of its small size, the isle can be circumnavigated in a few hours.


Mappa Satellitare dell'Isola del Giglio con Nomi Calette e Paesi

Trekking Map

Mappa Sentieri all'Isosla del Giglio

A territory that is 90% still uncontaminated and wild invites you to venture along the many hiking paths and discover an island away from the tourist flows with spectacular panoramic views of the Tuscan Archipelago and immersed in the scents of the Mediterranean scrub.

Thanks to some paths it is possible to reach coves and beaches of rare beauty to spend a day in absolute privacy


Giglio Island Map

Mappa dell'Isola del Giglio con sentieri, nomi calette, punti panoramici, spiagge e Giannutri
Change the trail numbering In 2021 the renumbering of all trails was started by the Tuscan Archipelago National Park. In the trekking section you will find a table with the old and new trail numbering…Tabella Sentieri (IT) >>
The maps are also available, in their paper version, at the Casa del Parco and local tourist information office “Pro Loco” in in Giglio Porto: Via Umberto 6 (few meters away from the ferry dock on the main street).


Distrances of the island of Giglio

Since the island is small, the distances between one location and another are quite short and allow you to visit the island of Giglio even in a few hours:

  • Giglio Porto -> Giglio Castello: 5.8 km (10 min.), altitude difference 415 meters
  • Giglio Porto -> Giglio Campese: 8.3 km (14 min.), highest point 246 meters
  • Giglio Castello -> Giglio Campese: 5.9 km (11 min.), altitude difference 415 meters
  • Giglio Castello ->  Capel Rosso southern tip: 6.3 km (11 min.)
Cartina Arcipelago Toscana

Even the distances between the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago are not excessive: on clear days it is possible to see most of them and Corsica on the horizon
7.8 nautical miles (13.9 km) – Monte Argentario Peninsula
8.5 nautical miles (15.7 km) – Giannutri Island
27.9 nautical miles (51.7 km) – Elba Island
36.3 nautical miles (67.2 km) – Pianosa Island
23.9 nautical miles (44.3 km) – Montecristo Island
59.2 nautical miles (109.6 km) – Corsica

The miles conversion factor is:  1 nautical miles = 1852 metri


Other Maps of Giglgio

National Park on Giglio

Mappa Isola del Giglio dell Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano

Tuscan Archipelago National Park

The protected areas on the island of Giglio by the national park “Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano” are almost eclusevly areas on land, about half of the territory in the southern part of the island. In addition some smaller islets were included in the perimeter of the park: Scole, Scoglio del Corvo and Isole della Cappa.

No other part of the sea is part of the park and protected, therefore everyone is allowed to:

  • fish
  • navigate
  • access
  • stay
  • anchor
  • dive

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Giglio Porto

Campese Beach